Sunday 16 March 2014

Chang Er fLeW to thE MooN

Chang Er flew to the moon

Can you recognize who she is?
She is Chang Er~ 

But, who is Chang Er?
Have you heard about Chinese ancient story of Chang Er flew to the moon?
Have you ever celebrated moon cake festival?
Have you eaten the moon cake before?
If not, I will suggest that you to read this story, which was a poignant love story, then you will know why Chinese celebrate the moon cake festival every year.
But why I had drawn Chang Er this character?
It even took quite a long time that the moon cake festival will come to.
The reason why I had drawn Chang Er this character is this one of my project.
Furthermore, I will go to draw a storyboard of Chang Er flew to the moon, but I will not color on it because it will take quite long time to finish it.
And my lecturer also doesn't suggest us to color the storyboard and then we only need to show him the black and white one version of storyboard.

That's all.
Tell your a secret.
This is my first time to use the photoshop to draw a character.
Trust me, I never lie~
I have some satisfaction in my work, but I still need work hard .
Because I think my work are still not good enough.
Therefore, GOGOGO~!!!^^

Friday 14 March 2014

NigHt sCenE witHout MOON

Night Scene without MOON

As you understand, I have successfully uploaded the background image that I have drawn by myself on my blog.
However, the quality of the image is not so good and clear.
The resolution of the image is quite low because I not be permitted to upload the highest quality image which the size is too big.
Err... But I also feel some satisfaction and happiness.
Because I was successfully uploaded the picture and it also looks nice too.
But I will go on to work hard~GOGOGO!!!^^
OH NOT~This time, I have forgetten to draw a UFO~
UFO where are you now???

Thursday 13 March 2014

prACtiCe mAkes perfeCt

Practice makes perfect

This semester, I have been required to take a course, which is 2D animation, that we need to use a flash to create an animation.
I never use the flash before, and then I ask to practice more practice as I can create a better animation for my project.
I have created 3 short animation, which are flower, ghost and train, to put up on my blog.

And I have used the photoshop and illustrator to draw the scene and things that I need. 
 I need to make the visitor surprised when they go on my blog and see some animate moving around in my blog.
I wish my idea can be success~!!!^^

Wednesday 12 March 2014

UFO is cOmiNg sOOn

 UFO is coming soon

Today, I was going to change a background image of my blog.  
I attempted to use the photoshop and illustrator to design a night scene of the city.  
I have also drawn a UFO which was flying around the sky.  
Everything was finished and I was so expecting how my blog was starting to look like as well.  
However, my file size was too big and the blog was not permitting me to upload it too.  
Therefore, I had attempted many methods to reduce the size.  
I searched many information from the web but I still couldn't minimize the size to 300K.  
Finally, I have given up because I ask to do another homework first.  
But I will test it tomorrow too as well.  
Perhaps I need to ask my lecturer, I guessed he would know it.  

Tuesday 11 March 2014

FIrst NotE

First Note

This is my first time to create a blog.
And also, is my first time to write a blog.
I was so anxious about how to create my own blog because I never make a web log or website before.
I have never coded an html link before and it is difficult for me to study in limited time.
 I wish I can create a more fantastic and interesting blog.
Therefore, I will attempt my best to design it~!!!^^